微 整 塑 形
美國公司 法國生產
The main ingredient of Juvederm is gel-like hyaluronic acid. It has the characteristics of not easy to absorb water, good durability, strong support and easy to shape. It has a high degree of integration with tissue, and can achieve the effect of filling and modifying facial lines immediately.
By injecting it into the treatment area, it can increase the capacity of subcutaneous tissue, improve facial depression, and get rid of fatigue; and the use of three-dimensionality can also improve the sharpness of facial features, and make the nose, lower face, and chin V-shaped. Lines are more defined and visible, and wrinkles are smoothed.
Hyaluronic acid is a transparent colloidal crystal with strong water absorption, which can maintain skin elasticity, effectively increase and lock the moisture in the skin, and then maintain skin elasticity and shape. Capable of absorbing more water than collagen molecules, it is the strongest moisturizing substance available today. Its swelling volume after moisturizing, biological stability, non-transferability and water insolubility make it one of the best options for tissue fillers.
類別 category | 大分子 Macromolecule | 中分子 middle molecule | 小分子 Small molecule |
適用部位 parts | 臉部輪廓、凹陷修飾 : 額頭、山根、太陽穴、隆鼻、蘋果肌、臉頰、鼻唇溝、下巴 Facial Contouring, Dimple Retouching Forehead, temples, rhinoplasty, apples, cheeks, chin | 部分體積填充雕塑: 山根、隆鼻、蘋果肌、臉頰、鼻唇溝、下巴 partially filled sculpture Rhinoplasty, apple muscles, cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin | 眼周凹陷、淚溝、臥蠶、表淺細紋、唇紋 Sunken eyes, tear troughs, lying silkworms, superficial fine lines, lips |
名稱 | Juvederm 喬雅登 | Restylane 瑞絲朗 | HyaDermis 海德密斯 |
產地 | 法國 | 瑞典 | 台灣 |
上市年份 | 2000年 | 1996年 | 2010年 |
認證國家 | 台灣衛福部 美國FDA認證 | 台灣衛福部 美國FDA認證 | 台灣衛福部 |
說明 | 凝膠型玻尿酸交聯性高, 大小分子顆粒混合, 以交聯性程度不同, 針對不同部位使用。 | 顆粒型玻尿酸 | 顆粒型玻尿酸 |